
Sunday, June 23, 2013


Learn Apparel Merchandising, 
Production planning is very important things for in time shipment. If any factory don't maintain the production planning properly then it will be very big problem for them to ship out the goods within shipment schedule.
A quick conversation to go over the entire supply chain process from research and development to pre production, production and post production stages. A practical discussion on the understanding of lead times available for various tasks and activities prevalent in the industry.

Critical Path – understanding and applicability to a merchant’s workday.

A discussion and practical exercise in preparing a detailed critical path for an average Purchase Order that a merchandiser tracks, followed by identification of critical activities that emerge which have the potential of delaying the delivery if not maintained as per plan.

Case study and simulation exercise. To strengthen the learning, participants will be given a role play and case study exercise, where they will be asked to prepare a detailed time and action plan for the given case as a supplier and justify the same to their buyer.

Practical tools and tips. A discussion on useful formats and templates that can be used to track the daily work of a merchandiser. Sharing of practical examples and best practices gathered from various successful organisations in the field.
Merchandiser’s Calender. A weekly calender to remind the merchants of their important priorities and enable them to track their progress.

Please find below a sample Critical Path

For download this
Critical Path file in Excel format Click Here